Monday, December 8, 2014

11-12-14 "The Long Road Home"
acrylic on 16"x20" canvas board

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10-29-2014 "More Fall Preparation"
acrylic on 16"x20" canvas board

10-21-14 "Code Restriction Violations"
Acrylic on 16"x20" canvas board

Thursday, October 16, 2014

10-16-14 "The Government Clock"
acrylic on 16"x20" canvas board

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

 9-19-2014 "More Privacy Problems" acrylic on 14"x18" canvas board
9-23-2014 "Unhealthy Earth Climate" oil and acrylic on 14"x18" canvas board

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

 acrylic on 3"x4" canvas "Tracy's Egg" 9-9-2014

 oil and acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board- "Lake Ball" this is a giant ball of lake.

acrylic on 16"x20" canvas 8-18-2014 "More Champagne for Lulu" Name inspired from Absolutely Fabulous.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

16"x20" acrylic on canvas 8-26-2014
I wanted to paint a self portrait to look like a costume mask complete with eye holes, mouth hole, and pink rubber band.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

"Natural Earth Communication" 8-8-2014 acrylic on 16"x20" canvas board

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

7-29-2014 "Oceanic Psychedelia"
acrylic on 16"x24" canvas board

Friday, July 11, 2014

"Retaliatory Animosity" 7-9-2014 acrylic on 16"x20" canvas board

Monday, June 30, 2014

"The Incessantly Hallucinogenic Construction Site"
Acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board

Monday, June 2, 2014

6-2-2014 "Regulatory Issues" Acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5-13-14 "The Holy Trinity" oil and acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board

Friday, April 25, 2014

"More Clock Problems" 2-25-2014 acrylic and oil on 18"x24" canvas board

Friday, April 18, 2014

"Central Park Carrot Problems" Oil and Acrylic on 41.5"x17" canvas. 4-18-2014.
While painting another view of central park(rm 1840 Plaza)I couldn't stop thinking about the possible end to the horse and buggy era so I painted giant carrots sticking up out of the trees. Why not cover up the Plaza with a modern veneer?

"The Longest Winter" Acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board. 4-15-2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Acrylic on 15"x30" canvas= 2-22-14 View at 7:00AM Room 1840 The Plaza Hotel NY/NY

Thursday, February 13, 2014

2-12-2014 "Geographic Anatomy"
Acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board

Monday, February 3, 2014

2-1-2014 Acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board, "Natural Disassociation"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

C'est N'est pas unebierre

1-28-2014 "C'est N'est pas unebierr" oil and acrylic on 18"x24" canvas board
Inspired from the Coca Cola bottle in Salvador Dali's painting "The poetry of America- the cosmic athletes"  1943, with the Coke bottle appearing 20 years before pop-art and Andy Warhol.
I've been going to Jamaica for over 20 years drinking Stripes and I told them but they won't listen, it's no longer Jamaican Lager without the great Jamaican water source. They called me (FROM JAMAICA??) and insist it's the exact same recipe and tastes exactly the same as Jamaican made beer, that's great,  it doesn't taste the same.

Still not sure what the meaning of this painting is?

Translation- "This is not a beer" No one in America can get  authentic Jamaican beer since it's now made in Pennsylvania? This painting is of a Red Stripe factory in the cold Pennsylvania climate without the West Indies water source, how appropriate.